Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.

Our services


Individual Mental Health Therapy

Seeking individual therapy allows people the opportunity to confidentially address their mental health, social, and emotional concerns with the guidance of a licensed mental health therapist. Therapists at Healthy Self Omaha tailor to the needs and strengths of each individual. It is not a “one size fits all” approach.


Family Therapy

We know mental health can impact the entire family and those dynamics are ever-changing and oftentimes tumultuous. Family therapy can benefit all involved. Increase emotional awareness regarding the struggles of others in the family and gain basic skills of healthy family communication and interactions.


Marital Therapy / Couples Counseling

Every relationship has ups and downs, and it takes certain communication and interpersonal skills to navigate the peaks and valleys in a healthy way. Action can be taken in couples counseling or marital therapy to gain forgiveness and compassion, work through your communication struggles, and develop improved connection over time.


Chemical Dependency Evaluations

Get a quality and thorough chemical dependency evaluation. You may be concerned about your substance use patterns and are looking for an evaluation to enter a higher level of care or may have gotten a substance-related legal charge and need one for court or probation. Either way, we have you covered.


"Thank you for not giving up on me, especially when I have wanted to give up on myself."


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